4. Config Files

There are two types of configuration files used in Asset Manager.

  1. Main Asset Manager config file (am_config.txt)
  2. Project configuration file.

am_config.txt file is used to set the global behaviors of Asset Manager, including I/O channels, default master level, and project list.

User specified project file is used to set I/O and panner configuration for a specific project or number projects. This file is reusable by any number of projects.

4.1 am_config.txt File

am_config.txt file is located inside the Configs folder. The syntax loosely resembles JSON, a lightweight data-interchange format. The configuration file allow inline // style comments and tab and spaces are ignored. Multi-line comments, /* */, are not supported. ,s and ;s are not necessary at the end of the line.

The file is broken up into two sections: Configs and Projects. Each section is indicated by its name and curly brackets {}. The opening bracket { should be specified on the same line as the section name.

Configs section:

Projects section:

The following is an example of am_config.txt:

// am_config.txt
// Updated v1.2.0
// This is the main configuration file for Asset Manager.

// Configs
// System level configurations.
// Syntax:
//  Variable = Values
Configs {
    // Specify hardware input and output channels
    // Hardware I/O are mapped to virtual I/O in ascending order. For
    // example, if hardware inputs are specified as "1 3 5 7", virtual 
    // inputs are mapped to "1 2 3 4".  
    Inputs = 1-2 4-5
    Outputs = 1-8

    // Maximum number of projects that can run concurrently
    MaxActiveProjects = 10

    // Set the master output level in dB. Max is +9.6dB. Default is -inf.
    MasterLevel = 0.0
    // Set the volume limiter for absolute maximum volume.
    // Currently the values are limited to -24dB to +24dB.
    LimiterLevel = 0.0

// Projects
// List all OSC Address Patterns and the associated projects.
// Project name and the folder name should be identical. 
// Syntax:
//     OSCAddressPattern = "ProjectName" [config file] [autoload]
// OSCAddressPattern    Should not include any spaces.
// ProjectName          Project name must be identical to the project's 
//                      folder and its main patch. The name can include 
//                      spaces as long as it is surrounded by double 
//                      quotes.
// [config file]    (Optional) Specify the config file that the project
//                      should load on start. If the config file is not 
//                      specified, Asset Manager will try to load 
//                      {ProjectName}_config.txt as the default.
// [autoload]           (Optional) Specify a keyword "autoload" to
//                      load the project on startup. Additionally, projects
//                      that are specified as autoload will not respond to
//                      remote network load and unload messages. i.e. the
//                      projects can only be loaded/unloaded using the main
//                      graphical user interface.
// [mute]               (Optional) Specify a keyword "mute" to set projects
//                      that are set to "autoload" to mute DSP when loaded.
Projects {
    /SampleProject = SampleProject autoload

4.2 Project Configuration File

Project configuration file specifies the I/O and panner setup for a project. The use of configuration file allows abstraction of hardware and specific panner implementation.

In 3.3 Signal Flow Overview we mentioned three signal paths: Project Outputs, Panner Outputs, and Auxiliary Outputs. In the project configuration file, we have three sections mapping to each signal output types.

SampleProject_config.txt has detail comments regarding the parameters for each sections.

// ProjectConfig 
// Updated: v1.1.5
// This file specify configurations for individual projects.
// Config Sections:
//      1. Project
//      2. Panner
//        2a. Transform 
//      3. Aux
//        3a. Transform
// Project Signal Flow:
//      The top level object names ([project.out~], [project.panner~], 
//  [project.panner.out~] and [project.auxout~]) are actual patcher names 
//  used in the project. Other objects (in []) are symbolic name used for 
//  conveniently drawing the diagram.
//  Figure 1.
//    1. Project            2. Panner               3. Aux
//                      [project.panner~]
//                              | 
//  [project.out~]    [project.panner.out~]     [project.aux.out~]
//         | A channels         | B channels            | D channels
//         |                    |                       | 
//         |                2a. |                   3a. | 
//         |               [transform]             [transform]
//         |                    | C channels            | E channels
//         |                    |                       | 
//         |--------------------+-----------------------|
//                              | channel sum
//                              | max(A,{B,C},{D,E}) <= F <= A+{B,C}+{D,E} 
//                              | channels 
//                              |
//                       [volume matrix]
//                              | max(A,{B,C},{D,E}) <= F <= A+{B,C}+{D,E} 
//                              | channels 
//                              |
//                       [system output]
//      A-F channels specify the number of channels at each signal point. 
//  Following list shows all the variables to set. ('.' represents 
//  indentation. For example, Project{ num_outputs } is represented 
//  as Project.num_outputs.)
//      A:  Project.num_outputs 
//      B:  Panner.num_outputs
//      C:  Panner.Transform.num_outputs
//      D:  Aux.num_outputs
//      E:  Aux.Transform.num_outputs

// 1. Project (Required)
// Specify the default project output volume and number of outputs to 
// the system's outputs.
// Variables:
//      volume = <value in dB>
//      num_outputs = <project output channel count>
//      output_channels = <list of channels to system out>
// Descriptions:
//      volume
//          Set initial volume (in dB) of the project. Default value 0.0
//          is used if volume is not set. This volume also controls the 
//          relative volume of signals from Panner and Aux 
//      num_outputs
//          Total number of outputs from [project.out~]. If num_outputs is
//          8, project outputs can be specified in range of 1-8. For example,
//          [project.out~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]. (Note: range specifier '-'
//          cannot be used for the argument of [project.out~] object.)
//          This value is implied by output_channels.
//      output_channels
//      Also see: Panner.output_channels (under 2. Panner)
//                Aux.output_channels (under 3. Aux)
//          These parameters specify a list of system output channels that 
//          are used to route audio from [project.out~], Panner (or its 
//          Transform if it's used), and Aux (or its Transform if its used) 
//          to system outputs. For example, all outputs may be routed to
//          different system outputs by specifying different channels.
//          Example diagram:
//          Figure 2.
//                     [Project]          [Panner]       [Aux]
//                         |                 |             |
//          output_        |---|     |---|---+---|---|     |
//          channels:     1|  2|    1|  2|  3|  5|  6|    4|
//                   [------------- system outputs -------------]
//          This is an example of setting up a 5.1 panner and use Aux as 
//          the LFE channel. Channel mapping uses SMPTE 5.1 format. Project 
//          output can feed stereo without going through the panner.
//          Furthermore, range of channels can be specified using '-' 
//          between the low and high range. (e.g. 2-4 = 2 3 4)
//      total_system_outputs (for reference)
//          Total number of output to the system outputs. This value is 
//          automatically calculated, and does not need to be set in this
//          config file. Using the A-F letters defined above, value 
//          the number of system output, F, can be represented using the 
//          following equation:
//                  max(A,{B,C},{D,E}) <= F <= A+{B,C}+{D,E} 
//          where {B,C} is B or C and {D,E} is D or E, depending on if
//          Transform is on or off.
Project {
    volume = 0.0
    // No need to set num_outputs because that is implied from 
    // output_channels
    // num_outputs = 2
    output_channels = 1 2   // or 1-2

// 2. Panner (Optional)
// Specify the panning method and its settings used for this project.
// The panner is a custom patcher using panner.3d.input and 
// project.panner.out~ abstractions.
// Variables:
//      num_outputs = <panner output channel count>
//      output_channels = <list of channels to system outputs>
//      patch = <Name of panner patcher>
//      msg = <message value>
//      use_transform = <1 or 0>
//      Transform {}
// Descriptions:
//      num_outputs
//          Number of outputs from the panner patcher. This depends on the 
//          actual patcher. Some generic panner patchers (e.g. vbap.3d)
//          require the number of outputs as an argument. In this case, the
//          value should be the same as the argument. In other cases, the
//          value must be known.
//      output_channels
//          output_channels list the indices of system output channels that
//          the Panner use to output the signal. The number of indices must
//          match Panner.num_outputs or Panner.Transform.num_outputs if 
//          Transform is used (see below for setting Transform). If 
//          num_outputs = 8 and Transform.num_outputs = 1, and 
//          use_transform = 1, output_channels must list 2 indices. If 
//          use_transform = 0, then output_channels must list 8 indices.
//          Example diagram:
//          Figure 3.
//                      use_transform = 0         use_transform = 1
//                          [panner]                  [panner]
//                             |                         |
//                             |                     [transform]
//                             |                         |
//          indices:   Panner.num_outputs    Panner.Transform.num_outputs
//      patch
//          Specify patcher name with (optional) arguments. If arguments 
//          are used, make sure they comply with the actual patcher. Some
//          patchers may not expect any arguments.  
//      msg
//          Optionally, messages can be sent to the patcher at instantiation.
//          This is useful if the patcher requires extra messages to 
//          initialize. 
//      use_transform
//          Set use_transform to 1 to enable the Transform. Setting it 0 
//          disables the Transform. If it's set to 1 but Transform.patch is
//          not specified, Transform is ignored. (See below, 2a.
//          Transform for details.)
//      Transform {}
//          An extra processing can be added by including a Transform block.
//          See below for more details.
Panner {
    num_outputs = 8

    // 8 channel panner using ICST’s Ambipanning~.
    patch = panner.3d.icstambipanning 8
    msg = active 1 // activate input
    msg = aed 1 90. 0. 1. 1 // initial source position
    msg = active_out 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 // activate outputs
    msg = speaker aed 1 -45 0. 1. 1
    msg = speaker aed 2 -0 0. 1. 1
    msg = speaker aed 3 45 0. 1. 1
    msg = speaker aed 4 90 0. 1. 1
    msg = speaker aed 5 135 0. 1. 1
    msg = speaker aed 6 180 0. 1. 1
    msg = speaker aed 7 -135 0. 1. 1
    msg = speaker aed 8 -90 0. 1. 1
    msg = distance_mode 2 // distance mode, 0 for no distance roll off
    msg = db_unit 1.5 // distance_mode = 1, exponential
    msg = dist_att 1. // distance_mode = 2, inverse proportional
    msg = center_size 1. // “head” size
    msg = center_curve 0.2 // curve factor when the source is in the center area
    msg = center_att_db 6. // compensate amplitude

    // Uncomment the following two lines for VBAP equivalent
    // patch = panner.3d.vbap 8
    // msg = define_loudspeakers 2 315 0 45 90 180 225 270

    use_transform = 1

    output_channels = 1-8

    // 2a. Transform (Optional)
    // Transform can be used to add an extra layer of processing after the 
    // panner patcher. This may be useful if an additional en/de-coding is 
    // necessary to match the signal that the system expects. For example, 
    // if a project has a VBAP panning implementation, Transform can 
    // encode it into an binaural format. Another example is down/up-mixing 
    // 5.1 project outputs to match system outputs. In most cases, 
    // Transform is not necessary and Panner is all that's needed.
    // Variables:
    //      num_outputs = <transform output channel count>
    //      patch = <Name of transform patcher/external>
    //      msg = <message value>
    // Descriptions:
    //      num_outputs
    //          Number of outputs from the transform patcher/external. This
    //          depends on the actual transform patcher/external. If 
    //          Transform is used, make sure the number of indices in 
    //          Panner.output_channels matches this value.
    //      patch
    //          Patcher/external name with (optional) arguments. As in 
    //          specifying Panner.patch, arguments can be used with proper 
    //          knowledge. Furthermore, number of inputs of the 
    //          patcher/external, must match with Panner.outputs, which is
    //          specified above.
    //      msg
    //          Optionally, messages can be sent just like the panner 
    //          patcher.
    // Important Note:
    //      If patch is not specified, the Transform is bypassed.
    Transform {

        // About the example:
        //      Example of using setting up matrix~ with one-to-one I/O 
        // mapping. Note that this is the default behavior when the 
        // transform is not used. Therefore, for real implementation, this 
        // is redundant and should not be used.

        num_outputs = 8

        patch = matrix~ 8 8 0.
        msg = 0 0 1.
        msg = 1 1 1.
        msg = 2 2 1.
        msg = 3 3 1.
        msg = 4 4 1.
        msg = 5 5 1.
        msg = 6 6 1.
        msg = 7 7 1.

// 3. Aux (Optional)
// Specify the auxiliary outputs for the project. These outputs have
// their own signal chain separate from Panner and Project right up to
// the volume matrix, which is directly before system outputs, and
// have their own transform. (see Figure 1. for signal flow diagram.)
// This is useful for LFE out, which is typically not spatially rendered.
// Variables:
//      num_outputs = <auxiliary output channel count>
//      output_channels = <list of channels to system outputs>
//      Transform {}
// Descriptions:
//      Variables are set the same as Panner. See Descriptions for Panner 
//      for details. There is no equivalent for Panner.patch and Panner.msg
//      for Aux.
Aux {
    num_outputs = 1
    use_transform = 0

    output_channels = 4 

    // 3a. Transform (Optional)
    Transform {
        // patch = 
        // num_outputs = 
        // msg =