8. Miscellaneous Tools

Inside Asset Manager's main folder, you can find a folder "Tools", which includes various command line scripts and programs that can help troubleshoot Asset Manager that are deployed on a remote location.

All scripts and commands must be executed from the Tools folder

In other words, go to the Tools folder and run with ./ prepended to the commands, such as ./am and ./aminclude.

8.1 am.conf

am.conf file contains the configuration of Asset Manager used by am and amproject scripts.

8.1 am

am is a script used to start, stop and kill Asset Manager. As the command suggest, start will start Asset Manager if is not already running. (Only one instance of Asset Manager can run at a time.) stop tries to gracefully quit Max/MSP. kill will force quite Max/MSP, which is useful when it is not responding.

Start Asset Manager:

./am start

Stop Asset Manager (and Max/MSP):

./am stop

Kill Asset Manager (and Max/MSP)

./am kill

8.2 amproject

amproject is used to control projects within Asset Manager. It uses oscsend to send OSC commands to Asset Manager and requires oscsend to be compiled on the client. (Asset Manager includes a precompiled binary for Mac OS X.)

Through amproject, you can control load/unload, mute/unmute, and volume of the projects.

load and unload requires single argument, the base OSC address of the project.

./amproject load /SampleProject
./amproject unload /SampleProject

mute and unmute requires two arguments, the base OSC address of the project, and 1 or 0 (for example to "mute true", or "mute false"). Following commands are equivalent:

./amproject mute /SampleProject 1
./amproject unmute /SampleProject 0

volume also requires two arguments, the base OSC address of the project and the desired volume in decibel. The following sets the volume at -10 dB (which is equivalent to multiplying the signal by 0.1):

./amproject volume /SampleProject -10

Note that the volume is limited to the range negative infinity to 0 decibel.

8.3 oscsend

oscsend is a command line program to send OSC message via UDP or TCP. amproject requires oscsend and needs to be compiled on the client computer (where you use the scripts).

8.3.1 Compiling oscsend

You can compile oscsend with any POSIX C compliant compiler. To compile with GCC, you can simply execute

gcc -o oscsend -lm oscsend-src/oscsend.c

from the Tools folder. You can also set the optimization flag such as

gcc -O3 -o oscsend -lm oscsend-src/oscsend.c

8.4 aminclude

Run aminclude with the argument to the project folder. It will create a file include.txt inside the project folder that lists all Asset Manager related built-in objects used in the project. This is useful for documenting all Asset Manager objects used in the project.

./aminclude ../_common/Projects/SampleProject