
A Multi-Purpose Audio Control Framework


Tahakum is an open source, extensible collection of software tools designed to enhance workflow on multi-channel audio systems within complex multi-functional research and development environments. Tahakum aims to provide critical functionality required across a broad spectrum of audio systems usage scenarios, while at the same time remaining sufficiently open as to easily support modifications and extensions via 3rd party hardware and software.

The framework provides this functionality using three software tools, designed using Max/MSP:
  • AudioSwitcher Server combines audio mixing, routing, delays, effect inserts, network and MIDI i/o, and a graphical user interface, within a preset-based automation system, for storage and recall of complex audio system state changes and event sequences. Additionally, client control software enables multi-user simultaneous access to the server.
  • Asset Manager provides dynamic loading, unloading and control over Max patches, easy network integration using Open Sound Control (OSC), and an abstraction layer that facilitates changes to a project’s panning algorithms and software-to-hardware channel mappings.
  • Control Proxy blends network message routing/redirection, network protocol conversion between incoming and outgoing messages, and a console interface for manually sending network messages to user-defined destinations.

Control Proxy
Asset Manager
Control Proxy
Asset Manager

Comments / Questions:
AudioSwitcher and Control Proxy - contact zseldess at gmail.com
Asset Manager - contact tnyamada at gmail.com OR zseldess at gmail.com

Tahakum is developed by Zachary Seldess and Toshiro Yamada.
AudioSwitcher & Control Proxy Copyright:
© 2009-2013 Zachary Seldess and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. All Rights Reserved.
Asset Manager Copyright:
© 2009-2013 Regents of University of California. All Rights Reserved.