Zachary Seldess
z.abstractions - a random collection of abstractions for MaxMSP/Jitter (some useful, some not so much - includes z.glNavs)
download (last updated 2012/09/16)


Max-related abstractions:
z.displays - find resolution size of primary display (for Max5 use screensize object)
z.roundNum - rounds numbers up or down to nearest integer (for Max5 use round object)
z.dtor - degrees to radians
z.rtod - radians to degrees
z.fpstobpm - fps to bpm
z.bpmtofps - bpm to fps
z.cartopol - cartesian to polar
z.poltocar - polar to cartesian
z.3Dcartopol - 3D cartesian to polar
z.3Dpoltocar - 3D polar to cartesian
z.distCalc - calculate distance between to points (2D or 3D)
z.vecMag - calculate magnitude of vector (2D or 3D)
z.vecNorm - calculate normalized vector (2D or 3D)
z.crossP - calculate cross product of two vectors (2D or 3D)
z.dotP - calculate dot product of two vectors (2D or 3D)
z.rand - random int/float number generator with ability to specify min and max range, among other things
z.urn - non-repeating random int/float number generator with ability to specify min and max range, among other things
z.metroUzi - like uzi object, but with control over output speed
z.dynaRoute - like route object, but with changeable argument (only accepts single arg)
z.grid - quantize incoming x/y coordinates into new x/y grids of variable size
z.mousegrid - quantize mouse x/y coordinates into new x/y grids of variable size

z.scale - like scale object, but with 5th argument that works (for expontential OR logarithmic curves)
z.zmap - like zmap object, but with 5th argument for exponential OR logarithmic curves - calculate delta values, with the option to account for Modulo ranges (i.e. mod 12, mod 360, etc.)
z.l== - like l==, but list order doesn't matter (Max5 only, for now)
z.onemess - like onebang, but for all messages
z.scriptConnect - connect one outlet to multiple inlets of a single object, multiple outlets to one inlet of a single object, multiple outlets to multiple inlets of a single object
z.% - like % but negative numbers wrap around to positive values (i.e. if [z.% 12], -1 in will output 11)
z.counter - simple counter abstraction with variable step value (pos/neg)
z.searchRemove - search and remove all occurrences of any number of characters within message
z.parseConfig - convenient config file parser that filters out single and multi-line comments and stores results in variable number of coll objects
z.minify - remove all single-line and multi-line comments as well as superfluous whitespace from text file

MSP-related abstractions:
z.vst - a useful combination of the vst~ object with pattrstorage
z.pan2s - 2-channel panning
z.pan3s - 3-channel panning
z.pan4s - quadraphonic panning (ch1 = L, ch2 = R, ch3 = Ls, ch4 = Rs)
z.pan4s_alt - quadraphonic panning (ch1 = L, ch2 = R, ch3 = Rs, ch4 = Ls)
z.pan6s - hexaphonic panning
z.pan8s - octaphonic panning
z.distFader - computes distance to amplitude
z.quadObject1 - allows for easy manipulation of sound object in quad space
z.quadObject2 - same as z.quadObject1, but with controllable reverb (using mod of yafr2.pat - found in Max4.6/examples/effects/reverb)
z.EQ1 - abstraction of ffb
-third-octave-eq.pat (found in Max4.6/examples/filters)
z.EQ2 - stereo version of z.EQ1
z.sfLoad - dynamically chooses between 'replace' or 'import' message - for use with buffer~
z.waveform - waveshape generator - for use with wave~, index~, etc.
z.%~ - like %~ but negative numbers wrap around to positive values (i.e. if [z.%~ 12], -1 in will output 11)
z.volumeIncDec - safe increment/decrement tool for faders
z.sizeFader - computes size to amplitude

Jitter-related abstractions:
z.glNavs - 3D openGL navigators, see here for description
z.cameraRot - rotates lookat coordinates in OpenGL 3D space by clicking and dragging in Jitter window
z.glPath & z.glPathRotate - draw and animate camera path in OpenGL 3D space (uses jasch's bspline object)
z.glRotate - use mouse to dynamically rotate around a coordinate in OpenGL 3D space
z.jit.cartopol - cartesian to polar conversion, using Jitter matrices
z.jit.poltocar - polar to cartesian conversion, using Jitter matrices
z.jit.3Dcartopol - 3D cartesian to polar conversion, using Jitter matrices
z.jit.3Dpoltocar - 3D polar to cartesian conversion, using Jitter matrices
z.jit.framesub - frame subtraction (with changeable offset)
z.jit.delay - a convenient wrapper for jit.matrixset (Max5 only, for now)

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